how long does it take to get a wedding ring

It's getting colder and colder.
The trees in the garden and the mountains have changed colors, and it is the season of autumn leaves.

If you want to see autumn leaves in Kagawa Prefecture, Okuboji is a must-see spot!

You can enjoy beautiful autumn leaves as far as the eye can see.

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Let's get down to business.

What do you think is necessary for a “marriage”?

I think that each person needs something such as a money ring.

When it comes to “marriage”, many people may consider a ring.

When is the time to prepare the ring?

First of all, I would like to refer to the customer's example as to when to prepare the ring.

Also, at the end, there is a really important <br>how to think about the delivery date backwards , so please take a look☺

time to prepare the ring

Our most popular
"Prepare by the date of enrollment"
This is the people who say.

Even if you look at SNS, there are many people who are taking a commemorative photo with the marriage registration.

The next most
"Prepare for the ceremony"
This is the one who says.

The best sunny stage in my life.
The ring that the two of you chose on the spot is indispensable ♡

In addition, it is prepared according to various schedules, such as by the meeting of the two families and by the anniversary.

We will do our best to answer your request "by this date" as much as possible!

Of course there are limits.

Therefore, it is best to prepare with plenty of room.

About delivery date

Many brands at least
It takes a month.

If it is a long brand, it may take about half a year.

Also, during long holidays such as the year-end and New Year holidays, Obon, and Golden Week, it will take longer than that!

A craftsman makes it from scratch for you.

A wedding ring is a once-in-a-lifetime wedding ring, so we want to wear something that was made just for us!

We tell about delivery date of popular brand☺


BOUCHERON (Boucheron) handled by Eye Isuzu East.

Boucheron is basically <br>If there is domestic stock
We can deliver in about a month .

If not, it will be a Paris order
It will take about 6 months for delivery.

It is a brand that is very popular as a wedding ring, an anniversary ring, and a fashion ring.

It is unique, but we recommend layering it with a somewhat elegant ring.

Please find your own favorite layering ♡

NIWAKA brand



These 3 brands depend on the collection
1 month to 1 month and a half
Thank you for your time.

It takes about the same amount of time for resizing and repair polishing after ordering, so you need to prepare early!

Each one has a Japanese name and a story.

You can see the wedding rings filled with the goodness of Japan.

Royal Usher

the royal usher
Same as NIWAKA
One month to one and a half months <br>It will take time.

It is a wedding ring that has been designed with a focus on comfort during a long history of 168 years.

As one of the world's three major diamond cutter brands, we are still exploring beautiful brilliance.


TASAKI, which sells AI Isuzu East.

Regarding tasaki
Similar to Royal Usher
1 month to 1 and a half months
Thank you for your time.

We are committed to handling diamonds from the rough and cutting them in-house.

Not every brand can do it, so it's a brand I'd like you to see at least once.

christian bauer

christian bauer is
It will take about 3 months .

The delivery time is longer than other brands because it is manufactured from scratch by a craftsman with a national qualification in Germany.

It features a forged manufacturing method that is too comfortable to wear and does not feel uncomfortable on your fingers.

If you are thinking about wearing comfort and everyday use, please add it to your consideration brand!


Was the delivery time shorter than you expected?

Or was it long? ?

in our shop
Over 25 brands
at least one brand
There are 5 types, and if there are many brands
There are over 20 types.

It is necessary to find a design that both of you like from among many types.

There are various ways to decide, such as those who decide by intuition and those who visit many times.

to be decided in one day
hardly any
I tend to think for a long time before making a decision.

When you decide the date you want to prepare and count backwards, the delivery date + 1 to 2 months
I think it's safer to have a look.

The day you can come to the store to receive it will also be important.

The delivery date was just in time, but I can't go to pick it up...

Prepare early to prevent this from happening!

Please contact us by phone or email for detailed delivery dates and delivery dates for long vacations.

Please feel free to contact us ☺