[Jewelry] FOPE [Jewelry] FOPE


Italian jewelry brand FOPE with genderless and timeless charm. Attention is "FLEX'IT" which can be put on and taken off without stress. A high-quality luxury feeling for every scene of everyday life.


5つのコアコレクション(Prima、Solo、Eka、Vendôme、Panorama)から発売される、新しいマストハブコレクション。 FOPEのシグネチャーである伸縮するブレスレットのコンセプトを共有しながら、ブランドのDNAに基づいて再設計されました。 ブレスレットにセットされたプレーンゴールドのロンデルには、FOPEの「o(オー)」に1粒のホワイトまたはブラックダイヤモンドがセットされています。さりげないアクセントは、男性と女性の両方にアピールします。


FOPE is an Italian jewelry brand with a genderless and timeless appeal. Since its founding to the present, the manufacturing process has been carried out in-house, and we continue to provide uncompromising quality. Noteworthy is the "FLEX'IT" technology that allows you to put on and take off without stress. It brings a “high-quality luxury feeling” to every scene of everyday life. Eka, which means number 1 in Sanskrit, offers a completely new style of wearing gold bracelets. Based on the work devised by FOPE in the 1950s, FOPE's unique FLEX'IT system, which combines luxury and innovation, brings elasticity to jewelry. An ultra-modern reworking of the classic gold mesh design, the iconic collection instantly captivated the world.


FOPE is an Italian jewelry brand with a genderless and timeless appeal. Since its founding to the present, the manufacturing process has been carried out in-house, and we continue to provide uncompromising quality. Noteworthy is the "FLEX'IT" technology that allows you to put on and take off without stress. It brings a “high-quality luxury feeling” to every scene of everyday life. The Eka Tiny collection combines sophisticated technology and design to create an instantly recognizable new hit, complete with an all-new 18K gold chain. The slimmest yet sturdiest Eka mesh chain, the Eka Tiny is the perfect entry-level iconic line and pairs well with any Eka jewelry. Design variations include plain diamond rondels, flower motifs, and models with round elements with small knot motifs (with diamonds or in tri-coloured gold).


FOPE is an Italian jewelry brand with a genderless and timeless appeal. Since its founding to the present, the manufacturing process has been carried out in-house, and we continue to provide uncompromising quality. Noteworthy is the "FLEX'IT" technology that allows you to put on and take off without stress. Brings a “fine luxury feeling” to every scene of everyday life. A new addition to the Flex'it family, Prima is a delicate and light collection. Hidden beneath a mesh chain are dozens of tiny 18K gold springs that give the bracelet or ring its flexibility and smoothness. The full set also includes earrings and necklaces, available in standard or long, as well as tassel styles. Each piece of jewelry can be worn on its own, but can be layered or combined with other collections for a new look.


FOPE is an Italian jewelry brand with a genderless and timeless appeal. Since its founding to the present, the manufacturing process has been carried out in-house, and we continue to provide uncompromising quality. Noteworthy is the "FLEX'IT" technology that allows you to put on and take off without stress. Brings a “fine luxury feeling” to every scene of everyday life. The Vendôme collection adopts an oval chain that expresses the round shape of the Novecento chain in a more geometrical way. Sleek, elegant and comfortable to wear, bracelets and rings are set with supple gemstones.


2010年に発表されたソロコレクションは、現在もなお人気を博し続けているFOPEコレクションの一つです。 発表以来、18Kゴールド製ラウンドメッシュチェーンを採り入れたアイテムが少しずつ加わり、さまざまなカラーやスタイルの組み合わせをお楽しみいただけるようになりました。柔軟性に富むブレスレットのゴールドメッシュには、ゴールド製ループやサイズの異なるダイヤモンドをあしらった数々のバージョンも加わりました。 揃いのネックレスやイヤリング、リングもご用意しています。


"ジュエリーはしばしば愛の証として贈られます。FOPEは今回初めて、カップルや特別な関係の絆を表現するコレクションをデザインしました。 Souls(ソウルズ)は、ホワイトゴールド、イエローゴールド、ローズゴールドから選べるFlex’itリングで、トップに一粒の貴石がセッティングされています。それぞれの石にはただ色を選ぶだけでは終わらない意味が込められています。結婚やその他のロマンチックなパートナーシップを記念して、親や親友へのプレゼントに、また他の色との組み合わせで、記念日や誕生日、特別な日のお祝いにも。"



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    EYE EYE ISUZU east

    1523-3 Tahishitamachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture 761-8075
    定休日:Wednesday (excluding holidays)